prison term

美 [ˈprɪzn tɜːrm]英 [ˈprɪzn tɜːm]
  • 网络刑期;服刑期
prison termprison term


the period of time a prisoner is imprisoned
he served a prison term of 15 months
his sentence was 5 to 10 years
he is doing time in the county jail
Synonym: sentence time


  1. He hopes to have his 12-year prison term reduced by testifying against his former colleagues .


  2. The prison term would be adjusted to reflect the time he has been detained .


  3. Offenders will be liable to a seven-year prison term .


  4. As soon as the thief was released upon completion of his prison term , he went to Guo 's home in the State of Qi to blame him .


  5. it shall be sentenced to a prison term ranging from more than three years to less than seven years , with a fine ranging from more than 5 % to less than 20 % of the proceeds from the illegal transfer or trading of the land use right .


  6. On his way to a long prison term .


  7. Another defendant was given a suspended prison term .


  8. An Analysis on Similarities and differences of Prison Term for Groups of Criminals in Tianjin City


  9. Judges know what bad effects a prison term can have on a nonviolent first offender .


  10. NPR 's Carrie Johnson reports the judge says the prison term is way too light .


  11. He 'll finish serving his prison term in September and already has a job lined up .


  12. Cutting down a cactus may earn you a twenty-five-year prison term .


  13. A prisoner 's rights to a patent or copyright obtained during a prison term are protected by law .


  14. During the prison term , Paunch could be released on parole only under supervision .


  15. His actions led to a death sentence , which was later commuted to a prison term .


  16. Chinese law stipulates the various civil rights not restricted by law to which a criminal is entitled during a prison term .


  17. Under China 's Criminal Law , state secret convictions can range from a minimum prison term of five years to the death penalty .


  18. He was convicted of arson and serving a 17-year prison term .


  19. The judge went lighter than the recommended sentencing guidelines ordering Wyatt to serve a prison term of one year .


  20. Then the case is tried in a party court and the verdict , usually a prison term , is handed down .


  21. Objectives : To explore the effect of psychological factors and prison term on mental disorders and the ability to serve a sentence of criminals .


  22. On Some Problems Concerning Offsetting a Prison Term An Analysis on Similarities and differences of Prison Term for Groups of Criminals in Tianjin City


  23. Kim received a two-year prison term in 2010 for throwing a piece of concrete at the Japanese ambassador to Seoul .


  24. If the maximum prison term were applied to each of the charges of which he was found guilty , he could face a sentence of 136 years .


  25. Trump says that those who remove the monuments face a ten-year prison term under the Veterans Memorial Preservation Act .


  26. Such a decision-while supported by prosecutors-likely would have enraged many Norwegians and victims groups who wanted the maximum prison term .


  27. The captain of the crew got a 12-year prison term , while the rest of the fishermen received sentences ranging from six to 10 years .


  28. The answer , it turns out , is " no. " I eventually answered this correctly , but still have no idea what the actual prison term is .


  29. When they return to society after their prison term they will experience more social problems , high crime rates lead to a new offense , becoming the city of hindering the development process .


  30. The governor before him , George Ryan , was found guilty of corruption two years ago . He is now serving a six-and-a-half year prison term .
